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  • Sprite Editor
    • What is Pixel per Unit and wh arts need to beat is Pixel per Unit and why everything in pixel arts need to be 16
  • Understand tiles pallete
  • Animation Editor
  • Tag
  • Canvas
  • Event System Object
  • Prafab
  • SceneManager
  • Packages
    • Cinemachine => Kinda important
    • Input System => Most important?
    • URP
    • ProBuilder
    • 2D Sprite
    • TextMeshPro
  • PresetManager
  • Capsule Collider
    • ContactFilter
    • RaycastHit


  • Use [SerializedField] to expose a variable in a script to be access by Unity UI
    • The exposed variable can be anything, including number, string, or even another Unity Object that we can get access to in code
  • Every logic that the user creates will stays in various users script, and if it interacts with other object we can just use [SerializedField] to get access to it
    • Or if the logic involves some components (i.e: Animator, RigidBody, etc) inside the user object, we can use GetComponent() to get access to that component
  • Sprite Renderer component is for rendering images/attaching images to an object instead of using the default white box
  • Rigid Body is for adding physics to the component
  • To bound the object and create custom interaction between different object => Use collider (for example, without collider the player may move through wall)