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  • A scale in music is a group of notes ordered by sequentially by pitch.

  • The scale formed by the group of notes is determined by the intervals, or distance, between each note of the scale and the number of notes in the scale.

  • A general scale has 7 notes (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), ordered by pitch.

  • E.g: If we want to play C scale, we will start from C and go up: C, D, E, F, G, A, B

Major Scale​

  • To differentiate if the scale is major or minor, we will use the distance between the notes in the scale.
  • The pattern for Major Scale is: ^7b17ce (3 to 4 is half)
Whole – Whole – Β Half – Whole – Whole – Whole – Half
  • Using this pattern with the G major scale, you can see how the scale is built: G - A - B - C - D - E - F# - G z
  • From G to A is one whole step, or two half steps (2 semitones) (G – G# – A)
  • From A to B is one whole step, or two half steps (A – A# – B)
  • From B to C is one half step (B – C)
  • From C to D is one whole step (C – C# – D)
  • From D to E is one whole step (D – D# – E)
  • From E to F# is one whole step (E – F – F#)
  • From F# to G is one half step (F# – G)

How to play​

  • This is how to play the G major scale pattern 1
  • This pattern holds true for any major scale. We can form any Major Scale using this.
  • This is how to play the G major scale pattern 2
  • This pattern holds true for any major scale. We can form any Major Scale using this.
  • The different is that pattern 2 shift everything up, which takes away the lower root note, so the root note is on 4th string

Minor Scale​

  • The difference between the Minor Scale and Major Scale lies in the 3rd degree of the scale.

  • The major scale contains a major 3rd, meaning it is 2 whole step away from the root

  • The minor scale contains a minor 3rd, a flattened version of the major 3rd, that is 1.5 steps away from the root.

  • The pattern for the Minor Scale is: ^94b030 (2 to 3 is half)

Whole – Half – Whole – Whole – Half – Whole – Whole
  • Using this pattern with the G minor scale, you can see how the scale is built: G - A - Bb - C - D - Eb - F - G
  • This pattern holds true for any minor scale. We can form any Minor Scale using this.


  • It's helpful to know how to play the scale ([[Scale#How to play | How to play major scale]]) anywhere on the neck
    • Help with understanding [[Chords#Barre Chord | Barre Chords]] as the chord is just note from the scale and select by using a certain shape
    • Also have multiple shape to play across the neck.