Chord Tones
- When we play the correct [[Scale]] of the key, all note will work and sounds good.
- But where we finish a phrase over a chord progression, it should be in a particular set of notes
- These notes are called Chord tones, and ending the phrase on it make music sounds more melodic and intentional.
- Chord tones may changes along with chord changes as it is specific to a chord.
How to find Chord Tones
One approach is to know the notes of the current chord and go directly to one of the notes of the chord.
- E.g: While G chord is playing in the background, we will try to target G, B, D as those are the notes of the G chord.
- Guaranteed but too much effort as chord may change quickly so we will have to change quick so it is too much thinking.
Another approach is just play & listen & feel if it is right or not. If it sounds wrong just move it up/down 1/2 scale step ([[Scale#^7b17ce | Major scale pattern]] or [[Scale#^94b030 | Minor scale pattern]]) => Reactive listening